Monday, January 18, 2010

dulha milna possible?

Keeping it really short.... comments on two new movies:

Pyaar Imposible : Worthless movie, but as usual Priyanka was looking stunning. Nothing else in the movie. You wont regret missing it.

Dulha Mil Gaya : Another waste, fardeen still needs to go to some acting school. Funny on few occassions, especially when they try to make a senti scene with that new girl and fardeen in it. Can watch once on dvd when it comes out.
10 days at home.... so much of tv.... so much food.... sleep... movies n what not.... right not i am in a situation to tell the timings of different shows on different tv channels and also timings for their repeat telecast... and believe it or not.... i can tell the latest story of those daily soaps also... YES!!! i can... all thanks to my mother and grandmother :) another two days here than off to delhi and from there bangalore... no tv then... its kinda fun... all the funny n non-sense stuff on tv. the most funny being channels like aaj-tak... and a few more regional ones.... will miss all of this *wink*

Friday, January 8, 2010

Journey Home !!!

Karnataka express, train number 2627, from Bangalore to New Delhi. I must have travelled in this train more than 10 times but every time I travel in this train it’s a new journey on an all. New people, different landscape to notice… this journey that I took on 6th of Jan 2010 was another experience. This time all there were mostly families around me unlike other times when there used to be more students. And it was quite amusing how these people behave. They carry their whole household with themselves, starting from fruits to bread, jam, cheese, butter, biscuits etc etc… and if that is not enough than some cutlery also and what not.

There were a few students also, but they were the best of the whole entertainment I got. Their ignorance was remarkable. It seemed to me that they have not heard any news or read newspaper for years and were talking as if they are the biggest economist of all times. Companies, their annual turnover and what not they spoke about but the sad thing was most of their facts were wrong. Than there was one couple with a sweet little kid, very cute who was running around here and there and keeping all the people amused. He could not speak but was smart enough to understand what other people were saying, Hindi or English.

As usual I spoke very less and preferred sleeping, listening to music or reading my book. Got down at different stations just to observe the people around and be more amused. I must say that a few people have become sensible and care about the surrounding but at the same time the majority of them are still careless, they just don’t care about anyone or anything except them. Throw litter wherever possible. The point that is most disturbing is that the educated lot also do the same. I on the other hand am very particular where I throw the garbage, I almost missed my train once because I chose to throw the biscuit cover in dustbin rather than railway tracks. Anyways, I can’t change how others go about it but atleast I am satisfied that I am right on my part.

The journey got over and me home after a long time and I have a feeling this time its going to be much more fun than other times. Let’s hope it is.