Sunday, May 23, 2010


i dont know why but during exams my frequency of blogging increases exponentially. i tend to spend more time using net and catch up with all the movie i have missed in the last few months. this time these are the last exams of my engineering studies, but all these four years i have written so many exams that i am sick and tired of writing exams. the seriousness of exams is not there in me any more. they like any other day, the only difference is that one day before i need to read a big fat novel type book and remember most of the content for just one more day, and present it with loads of bull-shit and taa taa... exam over. after two months will get some result and i will be clueless how i managed to score so many marks!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Finally my college is coming to an end... I am done with all my classes and now left with only theory exams and one project presentation. And FYI, my graduation day and farewell day is also over. It is so weird that my graduation day happened before i actually completed my engineering, but thats how things work here. And my farewell, wow, was one of the worst day of my college life. Not only it was sad to the core but the way it was done did not give us a chance to enjoy with our classmates, not that I am close to all of them but still... One more strange thing that happened was the farewell gift, where our juniors decided to give us a pre-filled slam book and took most of the inputs from me and i happily gave also. But the irony was that people dint like what i told about them, to be more exact they could not face the truth about them and instead started blaming me for what was written in it, when the fact is that there were three people who gave inputs about everyone and before printing it was approved by everyone. And after that they started judging me by their standards, while it is so obvious that I am way beyond it.
Anyways, I cant help these kind of people. Someone help them. So college over, and I am left with one job in hand which I am myself not much interested in. I don't know where I am heading to and what I am gonna do in life after this. I desperately want to work for some good company in my core field but have not got a job in it yet and don't know how to go about it also.
But this does not stop here, if nothing works out than i have somethings in my mind. But I hope I get what I have been wishing for !!!