Sunday, July 3, 2011

Long Long time !!!

Wow, its been quite a while since my last post. It was when I moved to Pune. And FYI I left Pune also and now in Mumbai, working for the same company and doing the same boring job !

But Mumbai is not a boring place, unlike Pune. There is always something or the else happening. I moved into a very sexy flat, though not maintained properly by the guys living with me. Oh ya, I don't have a single room now in Mumbai because I just can't afford it on the salary I get. Flat apart, life is so fast in Mumbai, you don't get time for anything. You list of DO-TO things is always long. If you finish one task, 2-3 adds up !!!

Life is not so easy in Mumbai, it is tough ! Everything is far, very far... you need to travel by local train (the best) or bus. Even if you own a car or bike you will think twice before hitting the road. I have traveled so much by train and bus and enjoyed every moment of it, may be because I travel at non-peak hours.

In short, I love Mumbai life and so much to do here ! Hopefully I will be regular in my blogs also.