Saturday, August 13, 2011

So as I continue my life in Mumbai, it is not exactly turning out the way it should be. TO begin with, I dont know where all my money goes :P . At the end of the month I am all broke !!!

Money apart, I always thought that with little bit of parties and freaking out I will also work a little upon shaping my future. And that would be studying a little for the masters qualifying exams. Although I am not yet sure what do I want to do my masters degree in. Sometimes it feels like life is a mess and sometimes it is so much of fun. I am in such a dilemma.

So just wondering how to get things on track. The biggest reason is that I am such a lazy person. I know that I need to be little more active but nahi hota yaar. On top of that I am putting on pounds and pounds on fat on my waist.

Damn, I better start something. High time I leave this chair and make a move towards the gym(atleast join it today when I have time).
