Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vah kya advertisement hai

Now-a-days while watching television we watch more advertisement than other stuff. Whichever channel we tune into it’s just flooded with them. In more general terms we call them ads.

Now every company has there own ways of producing ads. Most of them just hire a team or something who makes ads for different other companies, give them the outline and basis and other necessary details and they come up with the ads that we see on TV. The best part is that nowadays on NEWS channels we see more ads than news itself, and whatever news is there is all to just increase the TRP of the channel.

But what weight these ads carry in our day to day life. Do they affect us at all?

Sure they do. It’s through these ads only that we come to know about the latest releases or upgrade of products, promotional offers and so many other things to bring increase in sale of products of growth of company. But recently some ads have tried doing something different, which I found really very impressive. These ads are trying to motivate the youth to come ahead and take a lead, do something productive. For example, latest I saw was some tea ad where a couple of young guys are giving tea to people outside a movie hall saying you sleeping, on other people trying to bounce back they say, “aaj election hai, agar aap vote nahi de rahe toh aap soo rahe ho”. Man this ad was impressive, than they tell about their website where you have all details about the election system and how to vote, how to get voter ID card and other thing. I myself saw this website before writing it down and it indeed had all info. Another ad was where a youngster picks up some wrapper which was thrown by someone else and throws it into a dustbin. There are few more to count. Unknowingly these ads do make a difference, if not other people’s loitered stuff but at-least people will throw there rubbish into a dust-bin. And about voting, stats say that youth is rising, they have stared voting, and ads like these will surly inspire a few more.

Many of you must have seen the Idea mobile ad also, where Abhishek is some school Principle and the teacher teaches student via phone, the students learn so much and teach their family members also and so on. I liked the ad, am very sure it must have added to the sales of idea mobile sim cards. Out of curiosity I mailed these people and asked if they have actually done something or it’s just an ad not to my surprise I have not received a mail from them. So I assume that they haven’t done anything in real, and it’s all for publicity.

Than there are some which show bike stunts, am sure that also inspires many youngsters. There are ads promoting the use of condoms. Like this the list goes on. But we should be careful; some wrong ads should not inspire us and people around us. And at the same time we should learn from the ads which convey some positive message. Cheers.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Recently I went on a trip with my friends. Well to be honest not too recent but sometime back, in the month of august ‘08. But that time I never used to blog so writing it down now. Will also pen down about other trips in reverse order of date. We went to this place called rangaswamy betta, also called bilikal rangaswamy betta (B.R.B.).

To be honest all my friends are waste, they want to go out, want to do thing but do not like to take initiative. And some who try to are not good enough to convince everyone and have poor managerial skills. So every time it’s all on me. The first problem was deciding the place. As am new to Bangalore I don’t know many places around, so I relied on different travelling websites and blogs to decide on this place. And not to miss, I was helped by Moutushi to finally decide the place, thanks a lot for it Moutu. The next hurdle was to see who all were in for it and how many bikes we really had. The thing I hate is when others act like pussies, and come up with a reply ‘can’t confirm now, will confirm by tomorrow morning’.

So we decided to meet at 7am at marathalli bridge. Asked every one to be there by that time so that can leave by 7.30 max, but hell no! people just love to be late n late. And the worst thing that happened was there were more people and less bikes, thanks to some very cool people who did not turn up at the last moment(which was happening the first time). Prachi, I am really sorry for that day. Anyways we left by around 8 am, and look the boy-gal ratio, only for girls turned up and TWO boys!!! So six people(rohan,swetha,moutushi,soumya,preetha and me) on one unicorn, one active and one dio. Ha ha ha. Anil and his girlfriend were the last minute entry. I felt that their motive was to spend time together rather than the interest in the place.    

Left at 8 am, started towards the destination BRB. I had taken the route from a website but still though of confirming it with local villagers on the way. But we dint know that those guys will be more confused about the way to BRB. All throughout they were guiding us to some other Bettta place which was really far, Anil lost hope half way and going by the distance that villagers told he took a U-turn and went back. Luckily at one place a guy told us that we have come a wrong way and a long way. This was out time to take a U-turn and head on the right path. And as we headed close to our destination we became more and more sure that we on the right path now. The localities on the way warned us against the wild elephants we might come across and this totally thrilled us.

 The ride got a little hilly on the way but nothing compared to other hilly rides I have been to. Rohan was a little hyperactive all through the journey and every body else just enjoyed abusing him for his stupid activities. Some 3 km before our destination the road became really bad, or rather say no road at all. A local suggested us to park our vehicle there only as the road above was worse and will be difficult for activa and dio to pull till the top. I am proud of my unicorn.

 From there we started trekking. The trek route was pretty long, and we had wasted a lot of time already by going wrong way so we took a way through the jungle made my flowing water with little hope in our heart to catch a glimpse of some wild animals. Reached top finally but very tired, but more than tired was the feeling of proud of reaching the top of mountain.

Now a little about BRB- it is situated on top of a high mountain, don’t know the height above sea level. But it’s really high. The view from there was awesome, too good. Have never seen a place like this in Karnataka, never thought there can be place like this. This place was called BRB because of a temple of a GOD RANGASWAMY which is over 600 years old. As per the information given to us no one lives there except the pujari of the temple. But we did find some crowd there, more than we expected. But compared to other commercial places it was very quite and pleasant. Overall I will rate it 8/10. The amazing thing there was a pond which looked very dirty but the water in it was very pure and chilled. The source of water in the pond was not known.

After resting for some times n clicking some photos we realized we were hungry and got nothing to eat. Went to the mandir, they gave us banana as prashad. I don’t like banana but that time it was as good as DBC. Than we asked those guys if there is more to eat, as we very hungry. May be it was a little cheap but they had, those bhandara kind of thing they have at many temples n gurudwaras. They gave us tomato-rice and one more kind of rice which was sweet. I really got to admire the hospitality of those people. For the first time in the state of Karnataka I was treated so nicely by some one who is not my friend. Ate real nicely and continued back our journey, we were getting very late so hurried our way down, got our vehicles and started ripping towards Bangalore. To add to all the fun we had it started raining as soon as we hit Bangalore. I was home by 6pm but some others lost their way inside the city as they were acting too smart and reached home after 7pm only.

Overall it was a nice experience, first trek after coming to Bangalore and loads of fun.

(P.S. –since it’s about a 2 month old trip, I have just given a very brief information excluding many other interesting things that happened on the way) 

Monday, October 20, 2008


“Is my shirt ironed?” “Yes!” “Are my shoes shining?” “Yes!” “Is my hairdo looking good?” “Yeah!” “Do I smell nice?” “yes yes yes!” “Okay, last question. Am I looking fair?” “Ummmmm….”.

So much so for metro sexuality, both of us had slept nicely last night and did not work the whole day so as not to get dark circles or look tired. After all we were going to a disco first time in Bangalore and that also on a ladies night!!!

“Phew, am I late?” “No, the party starts late”.

In the car…

“Damn, all the cars in Bangalore are on this road or we driving at 20 km/hr.” “Forget that; tell me how am I looking? What should I do if some girl asks me to buy her a drink? Can you smell my perfume?”

By now I was more than bugged of my friend and his questions. I could not understand why he was so excited about this party.

The car stopped in-front of ‘fuga’, we could hear the blasting music and see those hotties walking inside.

“Oh my God! Just look at her. The one walking in backless top is so pretty.” “I know, I know. You have fallen in love again. Let me guess, is it 129th time…?”

We both burst out laughing and walked inside. Once inside, we saw all the Casanova’s kicking a beat to DJ’ number while all the shy ones were hesitant and could be located in some corner. After collecting my guts asked a girl for dance and was enjoying it pretty much.

“So you from Bangalore itself?” “Nope, I am from Mumbai” “Oh, what a co-incidence, even I am from Mumbai!” “Hey Tirth, I just met someone who is also from Vapi and she is desperate to meet someone from her hometown”  “ Uhhhh Supriya, I will be right back….”

That was the last my friend saw of her in that party and worked hard not to cross her again during the whole session. In the meanwhile mouth watering snacks were being served. Meanwhile on my end…

“Are you sure you not hungry?” “Yeah! I grabbed few puff from the bakery near my house in the evening and I am full to the brim.” “Tell me about your relationship. I mean….are you out with anyone?” “Who? me? Naaah! I never met someone my type.” “Ahem! Ahem! So what is your type?” “Beautiful eyes like yours, cute dimples just like….”

Tring tring…

“Oh, hi. I am doing well. Have come to a party with friends. Ya, me too. Ya ya, love ya!!!”

My friend thought acting like a nerd might just help in catching some fish. At times it’s nice bait.

“So you in college? Which one? Which year?” “BMS college, electrical, 2nd year” “Wow! That’s a nice college, and tough branch, by the way even I am in the same branch. So if you have any problem with any subject you can contact me.” “Sure, if you think you can help a BMS topper who happens to be the president of math club, quiz club and also electrical department general secretary than please do!”

While it was getting tough for him to handle one at a time I managed to carry off five at a time!!!

“What is your name?” “Shristi” “Aditi” “Anisha” “Neha” “Priyanka” “One at a time. Please, one at a time. By the way, my name is Naman….”

After all the hours of dancing and lying to each other, people started settling for drinks and food.

“I love beer. Why aren’t you taking something?” “Actually, I don’t drink on Saturdays, religious stuffs you know …..”

Now Tirth was acting too innocent.

After the drinks and dinner, proceeding towards the exit.

“So you are going?” “Yeah, we will probably meet sometime again” “What’s your mobile number…..”

A few hours together created such a hullabaloo in our hearts! I am trying desperately trying to sleep right now but my friend has been bitten by a love bug.

He is murmuring in his sleep…

“She loves me… she loves me not…she loves me…!”


Young and restless

Land of opportunities…

“KADAM KADAM CHALAYE JAA, KHUSHI KE GEET GAAYE JAA, YEH ZINDAGI HAI KAUM KI, TU KAUM PER LUTAYE JAA”. Ever heard these lines? Must have, on India’s Independence Day or republic day celebrations. We from the bottom of our heart really like these days and wait for them, don’t we? But, what’s the reason? Do we really wait for them so that we can cherish some XXX years of our country’s independence or becoming a republic? Or to salute the people and appreciate the efforts of millions who just put everything on line so that we can have two great days like these to celebrate?

As far as my observation goes, we wait for them because those two days are national holidays. And if they around weekend than BINGO! Take a day off from office, club holidays with weekend and its holiday time. Otherwise just laze around that day, get up late, or get up early and catch up with your old friends for a game of cricket or badminton (choices may vary). In the busy schedule we got now-a-days all we crave for is a free day and a free day and more free days. And all we want to do is NOTHING. But have we every thought if we doing anything for the country? Many answer, obviously we are, my company does this-that, they support Indian market, economy…. So through my company I do a lot for my country.

 Let me re-phrase my question, Have you as an individual ever done anything substantial for your country???

 Now the answer to that will be a straight NO by most of the people, and the reason? We never got an opportunity! Wow, it’s so easy to just save your @$$ in matters like these, learn a lot in corporate world. In this life you got, opportunity never comes to you but you have to go look for it, grab it and work on it, be it for your country or to talk to some nice girl in a disc or other worthless matters like job and all. Many of us really like to go and watch movies that show a little patriotism like ‘chakh de India’ or ‘rang de basanti’. Will walk out of the auditorium very proud of the country and will surly think that YES, I WILL ALSO DO SOMETHING FOR MY COUNTRY. But how long does this zeal stay inside us? For 1 week, or may be 2? Sometimes 3 weeks. After that we again need something to boost the Indian in us.

So now the questions arise, what is the solution to it? Where to look for opportunity? What to do? How to do? And so many more….

But how do I know the answer, I am one like you all….


What’s going on…..???

I just switched off my television, now-a-days you don’t have much to watch on tv. So I prefer watching news most of the times. But right now all news channels had same thing going on, and watching it you really feel how sick people can be. Am talking about what happened in Mumbai today on 19th October ’08. Some students, oh my mistake some NORTH Indian students had come to Mumbai to write an exam, that’s not of much relevance of what exam they came for but what is more important is what happened with them. As soon as they got down from their trains at various stations they were surrounded and than beaten up and others who reached their examination centers (I wonder how they managed to…) were beaten up there. And I think it’s pretty easy for you folks to guess by whom or rather say on whose command.

Our very own Laloo ji was very angry over this matter, and I feel he has all rights to be. As a matter of fact for sometime even I was angry but than after sometime I was sad about where our country is heading to. Well, it never head on the best possible path but still, nowadays Indian politics is getting too much political. All that happened in Mumbai was to gain political interest or a real love towards your state??? Just in case it was love for you state, let me bring to your notice that your state is a part of a country called INDIA, and if you think your state can survive without the aid of center that all I will say is ‘stop living in a fool’s paradise’. The only fault of those poor students was that their nationality was NORTH INDIAN, had they been only INDIANS nothing would have happened to them, AM I RIGHT Mr. T??? After all you love your state (and indirectly your country) very much. The best about the whole matter was the reaction of our great CM, what a diplomatic answer he gave. He blamed the railways for this mis-hap. According to him he was not informed about this examination that was conducted in his state, railways should have informed him, they called for it, bla…bla…bla… and in the end, the usual, ‘ will force an enquiry into it’. Our Mr. T has such a strong hold in his state that no BIG B, oh I mean no big person can do any thing to him in any way, as they say in Hindi ‘koi bhi uska baal bhi baaka nahi kar sakta’. Good work, long way to go…..!!! 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

K, this i my first blog and i have no clue what to write here. I got exams tommorow and me here blogging, lolz. Right now i am so frustated that i can only bitch about my college and people out there. Some times i do repent why I joined this stupid college when i had options of better ones, though the streams I was getting there were not as good. But onyl after joining it I came to know that this stream in this college is not so good either. Anyways whats done is done. Just trying to stay happy in what i have. But its tough, after all its all human nature to always want better in life. Oh, talking about all this i forgot 2 bitch about my college. Hmmm, lets bunk it, because if my college people reads this blog they will create a issue about it, they are crazy enough to do it. It happened with me in my first semester, I had posted about some teachers and clasmates and someone sneaked to them what we posted, actually sneak wont be the excat word as it was all publically posted. Anyways, they all created a big issue about it, the Principle got into the matter bla bla bla....thats why i said will tell about it some other time, best time will be when I pass out of my college. For the same reason i have not mentioned the name of my college also till now. And I better be carefull not to post it in future also. So much now for my first blog. I am really bad at this writing stuff and all. Hope I improve with time.