Sitting on my couch and watching news the other day I just wondered about the constitution of our country. What I read in history books was that when our constitution was to be framed the body, whatever it was called, headed by Dr. Ambedkar did intense search and made numerous efforts to draft our constitution. Also read that these people studied the constitutions of different successful countries and picked up the best from there, complied it and we got our very own constitution. That sounds very similar to what many people do to their computers now-a-days, common term that is used it “assembling a computer”. But do these assembled computers give max performance? Well sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. So the point is that all depends on the parts and their compatibility with each other. Considering a bike, it’s so made that all parts work in harmony with each other and give best out of it. If u replace any part with any other bike’s part than it might not be as good as it was before.
Now that was just about bike and computer, merely objects. If one gets spoiled than can dump it and buy a new one. But now the talk is about our constitution, we followed a some what similar thing in framing it. Assembled. That’s why we have different states having a government of their own, than on top of it a central government. We have so many political parties, every now and than you see some minister splitting from his party and making a party of his own. And talking about ministers, you will find in every corner of every city. They are just so many of them. And than there are so many supporters of our so many mWe hear and say politics is bad, but no, politics is not bad. It’s the people involved in it presently are making it appear bad. When someone has to get some work done he bribes, that’s so common and understood. And in bribing you have to pay sufficient amount that the person from top level minister to his supporters all are well fed. Some ministers are state level and some are central level.
And what I have observed lately is that when one party is ruling in the center and some other party is ruling some state that there is no co-ordination in between center and state government in tackling a situation. There are so many examples of this thing happening. One latest is our RAJ T case that is going on. As expected the matter is becoming big and big. All ministers from all over the country (or say particularly from north) are giving their valuable comments. The center says something, the state government saying something. Ufff…. That’s all I can utter. Even this Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu case,which is hot nowadays, is on same ground. So many, there are so many such instances where lack or coordination between both the government leads to delay in obtaining the solution and aggravating the problem.
My say is that there should be just one level of government. Either make it state or central. In which central is any days preferred. So that one body has control over the whole country. And it can work efficiently and give it best for the benefit of the country. This will also lead to cut down of number of ministers in our country and hopefully less corruption. May be this also brings in feeling of oneness among people of India. Right now due to our great politicians for many of them its all about their state and country comes a long way behind or does not even exist. While it should be country first and than state. But can we really do something to change our constitution now? Will anyone at all support it? I don’t think so; it will be opposed by all, politics after all. So I request everyone to stop dividng each other on basis of caste, religion or our latest factor STATE and live in harmony and peace. After all we all are INDIANS first.
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