Thursday, October 9, 2008

K, this i my first blog and i have no clue what to write here. I got exams tommorow and me here blogging, lolz. Right now i am so frustated that i can only bitch about my college and people out there. Some times i do repent why I joined this stupid college when i had options of better ones, though the streams I was getting there were not as good. But onyl after joining it I came to know that this stream in this college is not so good either. Anyways whats done is done. Just trying to stay happy in what i have. But its tough, after all its all human nature to always want better in life. Oh, talking about all this i forgot 2 bitch about my college. Hmmm, lets bunk it, because if my college people reads this blog they will create a issue about it, they are crazy enough to do it. It happened with me in my first semester, I had posted about some teachers and clasmates and someone sneaked to them what we posted, actually sneak wont be the excat word as it was all publically posted. Anyways, they all created a big issue about it, the Principle got into the matter bla bla bla....thats why i said will tell about it some other time, best time will be when I pass out of my college. For the same reason i have not mentioned the name of my college also till now. And I better be carefull not to post it in future also. So much now for my first blog. I am really bad at this writing stuff and all. Hope I improve with time. 

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