Friday, October 23, 2009

My internet connection was down was three days and what to say, it was so... so bad without it. Come on, internet was become a very vital part of my life and its not only me but millions of people for whom it is as vital as air. Seriously, the world today survives on net. 50 years back who would have thought that there will be something like INTERNET and we would be so dependent on it. But for many of them out there the debate is still on about whether it is for good or for bad.
Trust me when i tell this, many people still think that giving net access to children will spoil them!!! And by children i mean students who are into final year of their engineering!!! It's like crazy, they are missing on a lot.
If that is not enough, listen to this- My college, which happens to be an engineering college does not give us an option of using internet anywhere on the campus!!! They claim of having a wi-fi campus and all that hot-spot poo but the students have not been provided with an id to access it.
Sorry for sounding a sadist but all this really lets me down. We have a technology which we should make best use of and is easily available also but people, wow, they just don't want to come out of their cocoon. Just like to stick to the old, less efficient way of doing things.
As for me, being a net addict....well not exactly an addict but being so dependent on internet, I had to get a separate connection so that my work gets completed on time and in a more efficient way.
And mind you, its the best shortcut for socializing and networking which is so very important now-a-days.
Obviously there are some negatives, but its on us how good a control we have on ourselves and how we make the best use of it.

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