Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Three days Diwali holidays and college again from tomorrow. This time Diwali was like never before. I don't know exactly how to term it, bad or good but it was.... I don't know. After many years i actually celebrated Diwali and for the first time with friends. I have been with friends on Diwali but never celebrated. The people with me are my new friends, not exactly new. I have known them for more than 3 years now and used to interact with them also but still used to be a little away, may be because I was involved in other activity and with other people. But now I find them pretty nice. Ya, there are few things which are annoying about them but I think thats with everyone. May be I am a bit nosy about things.
So... came diwali and went, one of the biggest festival for Hindus. And like all the time I did miss y family a lot. And the three days holidays I got for diwali was not utilised as I hoped. I thought I will study a little but studies just not happen with me.
But in these three days my like for music re-appeared. It did not disappear but had changed. It was like I used to listen to music but still not listen to it.
And one very funny thing happened today, I was talking to a friend of mine about some stuffs and joking around about stuffs and from somewhere something about dating came into talks. Surprisingly for both we agreed to go on a date sometime next week. This girl and me dint get along a lot in my first year of engineering college but now in fourth year we get along. Just hope my girlfriend does not make an issue out of this.
And today I also planned out a movie with my girl but had to cancel because both of us were not really excited to watch some movie. But since it has been some time since we both really went out somewhere so this Wednesday we planning to go out somewhere and my votes is for a town Magadi. It's a small village in rural Bangalore. Lets see how it works out.

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